
Academic Committee


In order to improve the quality of research and development services and promote the orderly progress of research and development work, the company has established an academic committee to provide guidance, consultation, and review services for the company's research and development work. Academic Committee Responsibilities:

(1)Review the research and development plan. Based on the company's current development status, personnel allocations, market demand, etc., demonstrate the feasibility of research and development projects, and guide the company in formulating annual plans for new drug research and development.

(2) evalsuate research results. evalsuate the academic level of the annual or phased scientific research achievements declared by the company, propose reasonable suggestions, and evalsuate the level and hierarchy of the achievements.

(3) Guide the construction of scientific research projects and their teams. Provide guidance on the construction of R&D projects and R&D teams, and review the application materials for the proposed R&D projects.

Academic Committee Member Cheng Tang

Harwars Biology Group

Professor, doctor, master tutor of preventive Veterinary medicine and clinical Veterinary medicine. The main research directions are diagnosis and control techniques of bovine and sheep diseases, nutrition and immunity. Led 1 national major project project, 4 sub projects of the National Science and Technology Support Plan, and participated in 6 national level scientific research projects and 3 provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects. Received 1 first prize and 3 third prizes of provincial-level scientific and technological progress awards, and 1 third prize of Sichuan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award; Chief editor and publisher of 3 monographs, co editor of 2 textbooks and monographs; 27 Chinese core and above journals; Obtained 2 national invention patents; Preside over and participate in the development of 6 provincial-level local standards.

Academic Committee Member Hua Yue

Harwars Biology Group

Professor, Doctor, Head of the Master's Program of Preventive Veterinary medicine, Southwest Minzu University. Experts who enjoy special government subsidies from the State Council, academic and technical leaders in Sichuan Province, renowned teaching teachers in Sichuan Province, outstanding teachers in the education system in Sichuan Province, and evalsuation experts of the National Science and Technology Progress Award; Sichuan Province Food Quality and Safety Expert; Standing director of the Avian Disease Branch of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. Led and participated in 10 national level scientific research projects. Chief editor or co editor of 14 textbooks and monographs; Received one first prize, one second prize, four third prizes, and one third prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. In the past 5 years, the first author or corresponding author has published 15 SCI indexed papers and 30 Chinese core and above papers.

Academic Committee Member Hu Shan

Harwars Biology Group

Doctor of Agriculture. He is the leader of young and middle-aged disciplines in Shandong Province and the leader of the key discipline "Preventive Veterinary Medicine" in Shandong Province. He has been awarded as excellent teacher, exemplary individual of scientific and technological innovation, exemplary individual of scientific and technological management by the school for many times. He has won the "Liuhe Award", "Excellent Teaching Quality Award", the "Sixth Shandong Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker" title, and received the second prize for merit.

Academic Committee Member Yanbo Yin

Harwars Biology Group

Doctor, professor of Qingdao Agricultural University. He has successively led 7 national level projects and 3 provincial and ministerial level projects. Received one first prize, one second prize, and one third prize for scientific and technological progress in Shandong Province; 8 authorized invention patents (second completed).

Academic Committee Member  Hongning Wang

Harwars Biology Group

Doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor, dean of School of Life Sciences of Sichuan University, director of "Key Laboratory of Animal Disease Control and Food Safety in Sichuan University", etc. Engaged in the research on the basis and application of animal epidemic prevention and control and Animal product safety, pig and chicken Pathogenic bacteria and their drug resistance, the creation of genetic engineering vaccine for important poultry viruses, the prevention and control of bacterial diseases in laying hens, salmonella purification and the comprehensive prevention and control of epidemic diseases in large-scale chicken farms and pig farms. He has successively presided over multiple projects such as the National Science and Technology Support Plan, "863", "973", National Key R&D Plan, National Natural Science Foundation Key and General Projects, National Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, and National Public Welfare Industry Special Projects.

Academic Committee Member Mingyi Li , Chief Scientist of Harwars

Harwars Biology Group

Doctor, professor, and chief scientist are mainly engaged in technical research on Genetic recombination, cell suspension culture, cell transformation, reverse genetics, and the development of conventional and genetic engineering vaccines, and have successively presided over the "research and creation of key technologies for rapid differential diagnosis of major animal epidemics" Four national major scientific and technological projects, including research and application of major animal disease prevention and control technologies, have been developed, and the National Science and Technology Support Plan (Major Projects) has been compiled. It has won 6 national and provincial scientific and technological progress awards, more than 10 invention patents, and 20 provincial and municipal awards.

Academic Committee Membe: Weiquan Liu, CTO of Harwars

Harwars Biology Group

Doctor of preventive Veterinary medicine, professor of School of Biology, China Agricultural University, doctoral supervisor. He also holds positions such as Deputy Secretary General of the Executive Director of the National Society of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry, and Director of the Agricultural Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Branch of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. More than 100 domestic and international papers have been published, including nearly 30 SCI papers.
